Why subscribe?

tldr - I want to share the learnings that have created a 430% return in the stock market over the past half a decade.

I started investing in the stock market at the ripe old age of 19 after getting tired of working for a living. Over the subsequent two decades I’ve put money into most forms of investment: property, startups, cryptos, stocks, commodities, ETFs, index funds, etc. During that time I’ve made a number of mistakes, but on the whole I’ve won more than I’ve lost and I’ve found that I’m losing a lot less often as time goes on.

In this newsletter I’ll share my analysis of the markets, often honing in on a single asset providing my take. I am not a financial advisor, and do not give financial advice, but you can see my independently audited returns for the past half a decade via my broker.

You can read more about my personal background here, and my professional background here.

Subscribe to Getting Rich Slowly

Lessons on investing for the average Joe


I manage a fund of millions of dollars every day. I've also sold a company for 8-figures, own property worth millions, and invest in high-profile startups.